many years ago, as a young girl, I left Poland forever. Every year, returning to Poland, I was greeted by changes, at first not playing a significant role. But the pace of these changes, especially after Poland's accession to the European Union, began to take place at such a rapid pace that it could make someone dizzy. After another visit to the country, I noticed that these changes, despite the fact that for the better, begin to bother me, or even irritate me. The moment has come when I stopped understanding my friends, even though we speak the same language. The changes in the environment in the city where I was born and raised also seemed strange to me. This city is no longer "mine". This confrontation between "alien" and "own" instead of curiosity caused an opposite effect: I started asking myself why I come back here and with what propose. It felt as if one world began to divide and drifted apart…. My relationship with my motherland has become somehow dualistic and I have become a tourist in my own country.